Monday, February 16, 2009

Teaser. Want to know more?

Jargon of the day: teaser

Have you ever read the news paper and noticed a brief line or two that mentions something about a story inside the paper? That is called a teaser.

These little two liners are usually found in the corner of the paper somewhere, and they would say something like "sex scandal questions need answers see A2"

If you were to find this interesting, you might open up the paper and flip to A2 and see what this article is all about. Those two little lines can be more intriguing then the photos on the front page. This my friends, is how they lure you into reading the rest of the paper. Because once you find that article interesting, you might read on some more.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your article. What you put on the front page is what the world sees. Most people are too lazy to look for real interesting news so you almost have to put it in bold and shove it in their face. People that really matter will take the time to flip through a couple pages if the story is worth it.
